How it Works
To reorder pages: click the grid icon in the bottom left corner of the Thumbnail Preview. Then, click and drag pages into the order you want them to appear in.
To remove pages: click the grid icon in the bottom left corner of the Thumbnail Preview, select the page(s) you want to remove, and click the “Delete” button. To re-add pages you’ve removed, click the “Add from original” button.
To add pages: Click “+Add Page” in the bottom left corner of the Thumbnail Preview, and click either “Upload” to insert a page from another PDF or “Blank” to add a completely blank page.
- Remove answer keys or teacher instructions prior to assigning to students.
To add text: click “Text” in the toolbar, click anywhere in the activity, and start typing! You can customize the size and color of the text you’re adding by using the toolbar.
New! To make text moveable by students: You can now make specific text moveable for students to be able to drag in various activities. Learn more here.
- Include additional instructions for students in the margins, making it clear how to complete each exercise.
- Moveable text is great for word sorts, sentence scrambles, and more!
Answer Boxes
To add answer boxes so students can easily type responses: click “Answer Box” in the toolbar. Then, click and drag your mouse to create an answer box.
- You can click and drag on an answer box to move it around. You can also click on the circles on the edge of the answer box to resize it.
- Note that you cannot enter text inside an answer box as the teacher. To add text to the activity, click “Text” in the toolbar.
- Students cannot move answer boxes.
- Use Answer Boxes for fill-in -the-blank questions to make it easier for students to see where they should enter answers.
- A free drawing tool with settings for color and thickness.
- Circle answers in an example or create simple drawings.
- Highlight anywhere on the page with settings for color and thickness.
- Annotate text or indicate correct answers in an example.
- The shape tool contains squares, circles, and lines.
Add text: You’re also able to add text to circles and squares and adjust the size, color, and alignment. Simply double click on the shape and start typing.
Make shapes moveable: Create interactive drag and drop activities by making shapes moveable. Learn more here.
- Use shapes to cover parts of the background, circling correct answers, or underlining.
- Use shapes with text to create diagrams or call attention to instructions.
- Create moveable shapes for word sorts, math manipulatives, or sentence scrambles.
If you'd like to view a demonstration of how to use Easel for live instruction, see our video tutorial here:
You can watch all of our Easel Activities How To Videos here.